Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Russian Rituals, Customs and Traditions about Death

Cultural Clues for Death and Family

Death is something that is inevitable. Every culture has its own rituals, customs and traditions for death. The University of Washington Medical Center has published End-of-Life Cultural Clue, an informational guide about Russian terminally ill patients and their families for doctors.

Are you Russian? Do you agree with their perception of your cultural rituals? If you are not Russian, how do these rituals relate or differ from your own?

From the University of Washington End of Life Cultural Clue for Russians:

"Don’t be surprised if you come across the following rituals related to death and dying: This list includes some of the rituals that your patients may practice. Always ask your patients and family members about their customs, as there are variations among individuals, ethnic/religious groups, urban and rural practices, and socio-economic status."

• Russians tend to be cheerful with the dying person to avoid distressing the patient.

• Family plays a major role in supporting the sick person. Usually there is a family member nursing day and night at the bedside. Continuous death watching is a widespread phenomenon in Russia.

• Relatives and friends are all expected to visit the patient. Usually people bring food and may include gifts for the clinicians. Often visitors sit for hours visiting with the patient and one another to catch up with all the news. Prayer may or may not be part of the visit.

• Patients who practice their religion may consider prayer as an important and powerful healing tool.

• For Russians in general, and in particular for Russian Jews, nutrition is the primary determinant of health. The family may be happy when the patient is able to eat.

• For some families it is customary for the dying person to offer a blessing by laying hands on their family members’ heads.

Religious icons may be brought in the room depending on the religion and the level of practice of the people involved.

• The earth is considered sacred. Even today, people who have left Russia sometimes keep pots of Russian soil in their adopted homes.

• Depending on the denomination, it may be desired by the family to have a pastor, priest, or rabbi present at the moment of death.

• The patient and family may want all mirrors covered during the time of death.

• You may see the Orthodox priest say a prayer and light a candle right after the death.

• The family may close the eyes and mouth of the deceased; otherwise, it is considered a bad omen. The family may want to place coins on the eyelids and a roll of cloth under the deceased’s chin.

• The family may desire that the coffin be taken to the patient’s home on the way to the funeral service, so that the deceased can visit their home for the last time.

• Wailing and other displays of grief may be reserved primarily for expression in the home.

• The family may have some specific practices for washing the body after the death. Ask about preferences and try to accommodate.

• Your Russian Orthodox patients and their family members may decline cremation.

• In accordance with the Jewish tradition, Russian Jews want to bury the dead within 24 hours, except when the death occurs on Friday after sundown, on Saturday, on a Jewish holiday, or when waiting for family members to arrive.
Source: http://depts.washington.edu/pfes/PDFs/End%20of%20Life%20Care-Russian.pdf


Savin (Nay) Wangtal said...

"The earth is considered sacred. Even today, people who have left Russia sometimes keep pots of Russian soil in their adopted homes."

Isn't it illegal to take soil/plant/animal into a country? The immigrations would totally get on my case for it if I ever bring soil from Thailand around. Heck, they often give me a weird look just for spending time in Thailand, thinking I must be carrying more germs around than Mr. Burns.

Natasha Brown said...

I send you my translation (with a help of Alastair Mcglashan) of the letter of Theophan the Recluse (Letters Release 1 Letter 159). He wrote this letter to the husband of his sister when he found out that she shall die soon.
“The Lord’s mercy be with you! God be with you! I always prayed and pray, that the Lord will allow my sister to live until the last of the children become independent, but judging from what you have told me, it is now necessary to pray for her to have a peaceful death. What to do? What God has determined must be obeyed.
There is nothing unusual about the fact that she will die. We shall all follow her on the same path. It is the common path for us all. However, although death defeats everyone, all of us relate to the ones who are dying as if their death was by accident.
You will stay behind to raise the children and to give them an education, but she will depart, and there she will prepare all that is necessary and possible for meeting you again. Be a husband of strength. Strengthen your heart and be courageous. In reality she will not die; the body dies, but the dying person remains. She only passes on to the other stages of life, and when she has departed, you must transfer your attention to that domain as well.

She is not present in the body which lies under the saints and which will be taken out from the church afterwards. It is not her whom they will hide in a tomb.

She will be in the other place. She will be as alive then as in these days. In the first hours and days she will be here by you. But only she will not converse with you; and yes, it is impossible to see her, but still she is here. You must have this in your thoughts. Those of us who are left behind cry about the departed, but they are relieved: the other state is more enjoyable for them.

Those who have died and have returned to their bodies have found it a very inconvenient habitation. She will feel the same. It is better for her there; but we despair, as if something dreadful had happened to her. She sees and truly marvels at our sorrow. I was always of the opinion that we should not wear mourning but festive clothes to commemorate the deceased.
We need to pay some respect to the remains of the departed; this is absolutely fair. But why in our culture do we relate to this body as if it were a living person? It is astonishing. For the Lord there are no dead, for him all are alive. But we fix our eyes on the body: it is bluish in colour; the eyes are sunken, etc. We commit to our memory precisely this impression, and this very deceit tears our hearts apart. Later, thoughts will come to our mind of the damp grave and the gloom. Oh, our poor unhappy deceased!

But in reality she is in a place of light, in a condition of sheer delight, free from all obligations. It is unimaginable how well she is. And she is as alive as she was yesterday, prior to death. Then she was in a worse state; but now she is better off.
It is not a loss that she is not seen; she is still present here. The departed are as quick in movement as a thought. They become closer to us than when they were here, since here we often separated from them by space, but the invisible state overcomes this separation. So as soon as you bring the deceased to mind (but with a full-hearted, living remembrance), she is present here.

Natasha Brown said...

The deceased commence the ordeal of passing through trials soon after their departure. Now she will really need your help. Turn yourself to this thought then, and you will hear her cry to you for help. You need to direct all your attention and all your love to her in this matter.

I think that this will be the most valid testimony of your love for the deceased, if from the minute of the departure of her soul, you leave all the hustle about her body to others, seclude yourself as far as possible, and plunge into prayer for her in her new condition and her new, unforeseen requirements. Having begun this way, you must cry incessantly to God to help her during the first six weeks and beyond. According to Fedora what the angels took from the sack to get rid of the tolls was the prayers of her Elder. Your prayers will have the same effect. Do not forget to do as I ask. It will be of assistance to her. But to mourn and lament makes little sense.

I write as if I am convinced that she is sure to die. I even think that she has already died. If she has already become as bad as you wrote, we should not deceive ourselves with hopes for which there is no foundation.
But maybe this letter will come, while she is still alive.

Here is my last word to her: Farewell, my sister! The Lord shall bless your departure, and your way after you have departed
In fact you will not die. Your body will die, but you will pass on to the other world alive, with full awareness of yourself and recognising the entire world around you.

Our father and mother, brothers and sisters will meet you there. Bow to them, pass on our greetings to them, and ask them to assist us. You will be surrounded by your children with their joyful greetings. It will be better for you there than here. So do not be horrified when you see death coming nearer. It is a doorway into a better life for you. Your Guardian Angel will accept your soul and will lead it in the ways laid down by God. The sins will come; repent of them all. Also be of strong belief that the Lord and Saviour obliterates the sins of repentant sinners. And your sins are obliterated when you have repented of them. You must at once restore this belief in yourself, and never let it go.

May God grant you a peaceful passing! Wait a day or two and we will be with you. We shall see each other soon. Therefore do not grieve for those of us who are left behind. Farewell! The Lord is with you!

P.S. Your question “What shall I do?” is a very serious one. You need to you need to seek the help of some staretza from our relatieves in the family. The Lord will arrange it all. Do not let yourself grow weak or let your courage fail.
May the Lord console you! God save you and have mercy on you! On February, 12th 1874”

Natasha Brown said...

Святитель Феофан Затворник
Письма. Выпуск I
Письмо 159
Милость Божия буди с вами! Буди вам Божие!
Я всегда молился и молюсь, чтобы Господь дал сестре пожить немного, пока последние дети станут на ноги. Но судя потому, что вы сказали, теперь уже надо молиться о мирной кончине. - Что же делать? Что судил Бог, тому надо покориться.
Что умирает, ничего необыкновенного нет. Вслед за нею и мы пойдем тою же дорогою. Это общий всех путь. Но все же смерть поражает всех, и мы всех умирающих имеем так, как бы они нечаянно умерли. Вы останетесь доканчивать воспитание и пристроение детей, а она отойдет, и там, что нужно и можно, приготовить для встречи вас.
Будьте мужем силы. - Скрепите сердце и мужайтесь. Ведь сестра-то сама не умрет; тело умирает, а лице умирающее остается. Переходит только в другие порядки жизни. Вот и вы, когда она отойдет, туда переходите вниманием. В теле, лежащем под святыми и потом выносимом, ее нет. И в могилу не ее прячут. Она в другом месте. Так же жива, как теперь. В первые часы и дни она будет около вас. - И только не проговорит, - да увидеть ее нельзя, а то тут. Поимейте сие в мысли. Мы остающиеся плачем об отшедших, а им сразу легче: то состояние отраднее. Те, кои обмирали и потом вводимы были в тело, находили его очень неудобным жильем. Тоже будет чувствовать и сестра. Ей там лучше; а мы убиваемся, будто с нею беда какая случилась.
Она смотрит и верно дивится тому.
У отшедших скоро начинается подвиг перехода чрез мытарства. Тут нужна ей помощь! - Станьте тогда в этой мысли, и вы услышите вопль ее к вам: "помоги!" - Вот на что вам надлежит устремить все внимание и всю любовь к ней. Я думаю - самое действительное засвидетельствование любви будет, - если с минуты отхода души, вы, оставя хлопоты о теле другим, сами отстранитесь, и уединясь где можно, погрузитесь в молитву о ней в новом ее состоянии и новых неожиданных нуждах. Начав так, будьте в непрестанном вопле к Богу - ей о помощи, в продолжении шести недель, - да и далее. В сказании Феодоры - мешец, из которого Ангелы брали, чтобы отделываться от мытарей, - это были молитвы ее старца. Тоже будут и ваши молитвы. Не забудьте так сделать.
Се и любовь!

Natasha Brown said...

Поскорее и меня известите, и я тоже начну, - и дети так пусть делают. - Это будет дело. А слишком горевать и убиваться мало имеет смысла. - Я пишу так, будто уверен, что сестра непременно умрет. Мне даже думается, что она уже умерла. Когда она уже такою стала, как вы писали, нечего более обманывать себя надеждами, для которых никакого нет ручательства.
Но может быть, письмо это придет, когда сестра еще будет жива.
Вот ей мое последнее слово: прощай, сестра! Господь да благословит исход твой и путь твой по твоем исходе. - Ведь ты не умрешь. Тело твое умрет, а ты перейдешь в другой мир, живая, себя помнящая и весь окружающий мир узнающая. - Там встретят тебя батюшка и матушка, братья и сестры. Поклонись им, и наши им передай приветы, - и проси попещись о нас. Тебя окружат твои дети - с своими радостными приветами. Там лучше тебе будет, чем здесь. Так не ужасайся, видя приближающуюся смерть. Она для тебя дверь в лучшую жизнь. Ангел Хранитель твой примет душу твою и поведет ее путями, какими Бог повелит. Грехи будут приходить. Кайся во всех. И будь крепкой веры, что Господь и Спаситель все грехи кающихся грешников изглаждает.
Изглажены и твои грехи, когда покаялась. Эту веру поживее восставь в себе и пребудь с нею неразлучно. - Даруй же Господи тебе мирный исход! День-другой: и мы за тобою. Скоро свидимся. Потому не тужи об остающихся!
Прощай! Господь с тобою! Прибавление:
Вопрос ваш "как мне быть" - очень серьезный. - Надо вам какую-либо старицу из родных взять. Всяко Господь устроит! - Вы только не расслабляйтесь горем и головы слишком низко не свешивайте!
Господь да утешит вас! Спаси вас Господи и помилуй!
Ваш богомолец Е. Феофан. 12 февраля 74 г.
Творения иже во святых отца нашего Феофана Затворника. Собрание писем. Выпуски I, II, III и IV. Том I. - М.: Правило веры, 2000
Собрание писем святителя Феофана. Выпуск первый. Издание Афонского Русскаго Пантелеимонова монастыря. Москва. Типо-Литография И. Ефимова, 1898. C.180-182