Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Russian Rituals, Customs and Traditions about Death

Cultural Clues for Death and Family

Death is something that is inevitable. Every culture has its own rituals, customs and traditions for death. The University of Washington Medical Center has published End-of-Life Cultural Clue, an informational guide about Russian terminally ill patients and their families for doctors.

Are you Russian? Do you agree with their perception of your cultural rituals? If you are not Russian, how do these rituals relate or differ from your own?

From the University of Washington End of Life Cultural Clue for Russians:

"Don’t be surprised if you come across the following rituals related to death and dying: This list includes some of the rituals that your patients may practice. Always ask your patients and family members about their customs, as there are variations among individuals, ethnic/religious groups, urban and rural practices, and socio-economic status."

• Russians tend to be cheerful with the dying person to avoid distressing the patient.

• Family plays a major role in supporting the sick person. Usually there is a family member nursing day and night at the bedside. Continuous death watching is a widespread phenomenon in Russia.

• Relatives and friends are all expected to visit the patient. Usually people bring food and may include gifts for the clinicians. Often visitors sit for hours visiting with the patient and one another to catch up with all the news. Prayer may or may not be part of the visit.

• Patients who practice their religion may consider prayer as an important and powerful healing tool.

• For Russians in general, and in particular for Russian Jews, nutrition is the primary determinant of health. The family may be happy when the patient is able to eat.

• For some families it is customary for the dying person to offer a blessing by laying hands on their family members’ heads.

Religious icons may be brought in the room depending on the religion and the level of practice of the people involved.

• The earth is considered sacred. Even today, people who have left Russia sometimes keep pots of Russian soil in their adopted homes.

• Depending on the denomination, it may be desired by the family to have a pastor, priest, or rabbi present at the moment of death.

• The patient and family may want all mirrors covered during the time of death.

• You may see the Orthodox priest say a prayer and light a candle right after the death.

• The family may close the eyes and mouth of the deceased; otherwise, it is considered a bad omen. The family may want to place coins on the eyelids and a roll of cloth under the deceased’s chin.

• The family may desire that the coffin be taken to the patient’s home on the way to the funeral service, so that the deceased can visit their home for the last time.

• Wailing and other displays of grief may be reserved primarily for expression in the home.

• The family may have some specific practices for washing the body after the death. Ask about preferences and try to accommodate.

• Your Russian Orthodox patients and their family members may decline cremation.

• In accordance with the Jewish tradition, Russian Jews want to bury the dead within 24 hours, except when the death occurs on Friday after sundown, on Saturday, on a Jewish holiday, or when waiting for family members to arrive.
Source: http://depts.washington.edu/pfes/PDFs/End%20of%20Life%20Care-Russian.pdf

Friday, November 13, 2009

Russenorsk Russian-Norwegian Pidgin Language

Руссенорск (Russenorsk)

Руссенорск (Russenorsk) or 'Russo-Norwegian' was a pidgin language originating in the Arctic.

Russenorsk drew upon both Russian and Norwegian in order to form a dual-source pidgin. It developed as a result of interaction between Russian traders and Norwegian fisherman. The language has not been actively used for more than two centuries, nonetheless, it is still fascinating to read about. Look at the following example of Russenorsk dialog below:

Example dialog in Russenorsk:
Норвежец: Драсви, гаммель гу вен по моя. Твоя фиск купум? (Здравствуй, мой старый добрый друг. Ты покупаешь рыбу?)

Русский: Да. (Да)

Норвежец: Kак прис? (По какой цене?)

Русский: Эн вога мукка, со ту вога треска. (За вог муки два вога трески.)

Норвежец: Эта мала. (Это слишком мало)

Русский: Шлик шлаг, эн о ен хальв вога треска, со эн вога мукка. (Такого рода. Один с половиной вог трески на один вог муки)

Норвежец: Эта грот дюр. (Это еще слишком дорого.)

Русский: Но давай по кают ситте нед со докка лите чай дринком. Икке скаде. (Спускайся же в каюту и попей чаю. Это не повредит.)

Норвежец: Kак прис? (По какой цене?)

Examples with English explanation:

  • "Moja på tvoja" - "I speak in your language" (wordwise: "My (R) in (N, R) your (R)")
  • "Kak sprek? Moja njet forsto." - What are you saying? I don't understand. (How (R) speak (N)? My (R) no (R) understood (N).)
  • råbbåtom - to work (R: rabotat’)
  • klæba - bread (R: khleb)

Note: "R" marks Russian origin, "N" marks Norwegian.

* Wikipedia: http://j.mp/3rtT7J (Russian) http://j.mp/2IAijh (English)
* "РУССЕНОРСК" Каролине Серк-Ханссен. Перевод с норвежского: Анастасия Гортер, 2003 г. http://biarmia.narod.ru/library/russenorsk.htm