Russian Vodka - Not just for drinking?

Russia has made vodka famous around the world. Vodka is known for its clear appearance, high alcohol content, and intoxicating effect. In reality, vodka is much, much more. Besides consumption, it can be used in a number of useful ways.
The word vodka was first recorded in 1405 in court documents of Poland. It is believed that vodka first originated in Russia during the 14th century. The word водка is thought to be derived from the Russian вода or 'water' as a diminutive.
The history of this alcohol spans many centuries. Over this time, many uses for vodka have been discovered.
Here is our list of twenty alternative uses for vodka:
- Use as local anesthetic to disinfect and treat an open wound
- Treat poison ivy to remove urushiol oil from the skin
- Painlessly remove a bandage
- Clean your eyeglasses
- Treat an earache to kill bacteria in ear
- Treat vomit stains
- Use as an astringent for clean skin and to tighten pores
- Add to shampoo to clean the scalp, remove toxins and stimulate hair growth
- Kill bees or wasps with a vodka spray
- Clean bathroom caulking to kill mold and mildew
- Freeze water with vodka for refreezable ice pack
- Use as your own mouthwash for rinsing
- Apply to a cold sore to dry it out
- Treat hair dandruff and flaky scalp
- Prolong the life of razors and prevent rusting
- Relieve a fever with vodka-soaked cloth on chest
- Treat foot odor
- Alleviate pain and disinfect a jellyfish sting
- Remove cigarette smoke from a room
- Numb a toothache
Now take part in our official Russian Vodka Survey!
Let us know for what purposes you use vodka.
We will post the official results in an upcoming post!